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Online course: Discrimination and harassment at work

The permissibility of unequal treatment in working life is clearly regulated by law in most countries. In this 3D course, your employees will learn about different types of discrimination and find out what rights and obligations must be observed in this context. Numerous practical, interactive exercises offer participants the opportunity to apply and deepen the knowledge they have gained.

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Discrimination and harassment at work: Why is this course important?

The online course "Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace" provides essential knowledge and tools to create a respectful and safe work environment. Discrimination and harassment can not only impact the well-being of employees but also lead to legal consequences and financial damages for companies. This course comprehensively covers the following areas:

Types of Discrimination
Discrimination can occur in many forms and is often subtle and hard to detect. The course offers a detailed overview of the various types of discrimination, including racial, gender, age, religious, and disability discrimination. Participants learn how to recognize and combat these forms of discrimination.

Direct/Indirect Discrimination and Positive Actions
Understanding the difference between direct and indirect discrimination is a crucial aspect of the course. Direct discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favorably because of a protected characteristic. Indirect discrimination happens when a seemingly neutral policy or practice disproportionately disadvantages certain groups. The course also addresses positive actions that can be taken to promote equal opportunities and actively combat discrimination.

Harassment in the workplace can take various forms, including verbal, physical, and non-verbal harassment. The course explains what constitutes harassment, how it manifests, and its impact on the affected individuals and the work environment. Participants learn how to recognize and respond to harassment.

Bystander Intervention
An essential part of preventing discrimination and harassment is the role of bystanders. The course teaches how employees can effectively intervene as bystanders to stop or prevent harassment and discrimination. This includes techniques such as direct confrontation, distraction, and supporting the affected person.

Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is a particularly severe form of harassment and can significantly affect the workplace environment. The course provides a detailed overview of sexual harassment, including its definition, examples, and legal framework. Participants learn how to recognize, respond to, and report cases of sexual harassment.

Reporting Violations
A transparent and effective system for reporting violations is crucial to ensuring a safe work environment. The course explains how employees can report violations of anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies. It also outlines the steps the company takes after a report is made to investigate the incident and take appropriate action.

The online course "Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace" is essential for creating a respectful and safe work environment. The knowledge and skills imparted in the course help employees recognize, prevent, and respond to discrimination and harassment. By promoting an inclusive and supportive work environment, this course contributes to increased job satisfaction and employee well-being while minimizing legal risks for the company. A well-informed and trained workforce is key to a harmonious and productive workplace.

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